Clean and fresh and cool
Night air
Stillness or howling wind
Brushing my face
Snow falling, I stop
Time stands still
Adoring star-lit beauty
I shovel
I love Winter
Frigid, blowing
Sunny, strikingly blue
I fasten my Crescent Moons
I look afar
Vast, milk white, deep, rolling
Virgin snow
There for me
I step
I snowshoe
I love Winter
Brilliant and white
Snow under Atomics
Gliding, then fast
Descending, I bask
Home again
The piste envelopes
As I am and as I was
In a moment
Free and home
I ski
I love Winter
Winter's reign
Once more
I stare laser-like at pavement
Its spectrum of shades
Or safe I pose
Risk and I, unbalanced
Favor to winter's elements
Gusty and dark
Different, ever-changing
Born anew
I relearn
I love Winter
I stand. I stumble. I fall.
I walk. I stumble, I fall
I shovel. I stumble. I fall.
I snowshoe. I stumble. I fall.
I ski. I stumble. I fall.
I love Winter
I will always, all-ways love Winter
In Winter's palm
I will stand
I will walk
I will shovel
I will snowshoe
I will ski
I will BE
In Winter
Used to love me
And still DOES
And always WILL