Coach Ted Lasso
What Would Ted Do?
As in Ted Lasso, the coach in the highly praised television series of the same name. The outrageously hilarious drama chronicles the plight of Ted Lasso, a college football coach hired to coach a high-profile, professional English soccer team. Oh, and he has absolutely no experience with soccer. Every episode is funny, yes, but the show contains so many life messages and life lessons that I feel like each 30-minute episode is a course in "How to Live a Good Life." Since I am always (ok, mostly) trying to be a better person, I feel like "Ted Lasso" showing up in my life is a gift! I've just finished the first of two season, and I've heard that there will be a third (yay!).
"Ted" has me pin-balling between laughing hysteria, tears of sadness and tears of joy. But most of all, I find myself periodically filling quiet moments of my day replaying scenes from the show-- Ted's reactions, responses, actions-- what he does, yes, but it's as much about what he doesn't do and how he doesn't act. I think about my life and my situations, my relationships, my challenges, and on one level, feel blessed for the lessons of Ted Lasso. (On another level, I'm like, "C'mon Pete, it's a TV show, not some divine intervention!".) Why not?
I choose trying to learn from Ted, or one of the other characters who inspires me to show more courage in my life..."What would Ted do?".
I can't do Ted justice, but I will share a few topics Ted has me thinking about so far. Let's do some quick word association:
"Ted Lasso and __________"
Forgiveness. Quick to forgive.
Apologies. Quick to apologize, and ask for forgiveness.
Belief. Believes in people. Believes in miracles. Even when people let him down.
Patience. Always.
Optimism. Eternally. About everything. (This doesn't mean he doesn't feel sadness.)
Kindness. So kind. Especially when it's hard to be.
Time. His gift to everyone.
Hope. Always. All ways. A non-negotiable.
Goldfish. You'll have to watch to get this lesson!
"I believe in hope...I believe in believe.”
Ted Lasso
--- B L A C K L I V E S M A T T E R ---
--- S T O P A S I A N H A T E ---
I love Ted Lasso. Not suprised at all, that you're a fan. Positivity attracts positivity.